CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus: Key Topics to Focus On


The CSIR NET Physical Science syllabus is designed to test the candidates’ all-round understanding of core concepts and advanced topics in physics. It covers areas like Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, and Electrodynamics. Besides, it includes Mathematical Methods of Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, and Solid-State Physics. The importance of both theoretical knowledge and problem-solving abilities is highlighted in each section, and candidates are thus prepared for both research and teaching roles. The syllabus is divided into three parts: Parts A, B, and C. Part A focuses on general aptitude, while Parts B and C delve deeper into subject-specific knowledge and analytical questions. Preparation strategy of aspiring candidates should be aligned to the syllabus in accordance with weightage of topics and number of problems so that they prepare in that manner. 


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